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From John's Astronomy And Astrophotography Wiki
Revision as of 13:40, 24 March 2020 by Jmh921 (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to John's Astronomy and Astrophotography Wiki

I have created this site as a repository for information on astronomy and astrophotography. Feel free to look around.

Here is a Main Topic Index

And here is a List of topics that probably need to be discussed

There isn't much content as yet. I hope this will change soon.

This Wiki works very much like the Wikipedia. It is a collaborative effort. The Wikipedia didn't get to its current point of over 6 million articles (in English alone, there's millions also in other languages) through the work of a single person. People contribute to a wiki because they have information or experience in a topic and a desire to share what they have.

If you're interested, please feel free to create an account and join the team.

I have had to lock-down editing due to spam and cyber vandalism. You can still create an account, but if you want access to creating and editing pages, I will need to upgrade you. I'm happy to do so, as long as I know you're a real human being, not a bot, and not some idiot just wanting to post spam. Just e-mail me and I'll upgrade you.

I'd also like to add a couple people with higher-level access who can help improve the site. In particular, people with experience with PHP development and especially those with experience configuring and maintaining a Media Wiki site are welcome to contact me if they're interested in helping manage the site.

This site uses MediaWiki, the same software used for the Wikipedia.

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

There are a lot of tutorials online for using MediaWiki. Here's a great start to the basics of creating and editing wiki pages.

Getting started