Recommended Software and Apps For Astronomy
This page is intended to provide a list of helpful astronomy tools and applications. Please feel free to add or edit information here.
Web Apps
These tools are web-page based and should work on most browsers on any device.
- Astronomy Tools Field of view calculators, telescope calculators, CCD/Imaging calculators, weather forecasts, star charts, and more. Run by First Light Optics in England.
- The Photographer's Ephemeris
Microsoft Windows
Planetarium, Charting, Telescope Control
- The Sky by Software Bisque
- Cartes du Ciel
- Prism
- Stellarium
Image Capture
- CCD Soft
- Nebulosity
- Backyard EOS/Backyard Nikon
- MaximDL
- Sequence Generator Pro (SGP)
Image Processing
- PixInsight
- DeepSkyStacker
- Registax
- Astrostakkert