Recommended Software and Apps For Astronomy
This page is intended to provide a list of helpful astronomy tools and applications. Please feel free to add or edit information here.
If you would like to add content please include a link to the website for the product, if possible, as well as a short description.
Unless otherwise specified, it is assumed that all apps and products listed here are available and run under the current version of whichever operating system they are listed under.
If a program/app is available for more than one operating environment, please be sure to list it under all applicable environments.
It may also be desirable to create a separate page for some individual apps/programs/software suites. Feel free to do so if you like.
Web Apps
These tools are web-page based and should work on most browsers on any device.
- Astronomy Tools Field of view calculators, telescope calculators, CCD/Imaging calculators, weather forecasts, star charts, and more. Run by First Light Optics in England.
- The Photographer's Ephemeris
Microsoft Windows
Planetarium, Charting, Telescope Control
- The Sky by Software Bisque
- Cartes du Ciel
- Prism
- Stellarium
Image Capture
- CCD Soft
- Nebulosity
- Backyard EOS/Backyard Nikon
- MaximDL
- Sequence Generator Pro (SGP)
Image Processing
- PixInsight
- DeepSkyStacker
- Registax
- Astrostakkert